Please join us for our next CHW Training Community of Practice on Wed 6/12/2019 at 9:30-10:30 AM PDT (11:30 AM-12:30 PM CDT).

This meeting’s topic is about apprenticeship programs, during which Deb Kazmerzak and Bill Applegate will share their experience in Iowa and Alaska.

What thoughts, ideas, or experience do you have concerning apprenticeships? Write 1-2 thoughts or questions to share and discuss.


  • Welcome
  • Introductions
  • Apprenticeship programs, Deb Kazmerzak and Bill Applegate
  • Open discussion
  • Suggestions for future meetings

If you are planning to attend this meeting, suggest items for our agenda and discussions, or offer your institution as host for a monthly meeting in the future, please contact:

Monique Cuvelier
President, Talance, Inc.
(888) 810-9109