Please join us for our next CHW Training Community of Practice on Wed 1/15/2020 at 10-11 a.m. PST.

We’ll be setting the agenda for 2020, so please bring topics and projects you’re working on.

  • Welcome
  • Introductions
  • Planning for 2020
  • Open discussion
  • Housekeeping

If you are planning to attend this meeting, suggest items for our agenda and discussions, or offer your organization as host for a monthly meeting in the future, please contact:

Monique Cuvelier
President, Talance, Inc.
(888) 810-9109

There’s better awareness of CHWs than ever, which means there should be better funding streams than ever too, right?

Finding funding isn’t always straightforward, so it can pay to think crooked.

We uncovered and brainstormed many interesting possibilities in our meeting Getting Creative with Funding. Here they are, grouped into categories.

General Funding Sources

National Network of Libraries of Medicine
NNLM offers many funding opportunities, such as grants for holding training in libraries.

Foundation Center newsletters
Foundation Center publishes many free newsletters, including the useful RFP Bulletin and Health Funding Watch.

Council on Foundations Scan through members to find out who might be giving grants. The membership directory is for members only, but the website is still full of references and keywords that can help in a search.

Grantmakers in Health This is a networking group for funders that reveals trends and directions in grant making. There are also announcements of grant funding, such as “The Well Being Trust, a national foundation dedicated to advancing the mental, social, and spiritual health of the nation, recently announced new grant funding for twenty-six initiatives as part of their California Mental Health and Wellness Initiative.”

Private Donors

Look beyond government sources for funding. For example:

Unexpected Departments and Sectors

Think outside of public health for funding other than or connected to health, like science, transportation, or other areas dedicated to social determinate of health. Note to examine your buzzwords, neutralize them, and learn the buzzwords in other sectors.

Some ideas:

  • Department of Transportation and Highway Safety, which wants to use CHWs to promote the use of car seats.
  • Reproductive Health to boost maternal health programs.
  • Partnering with doula organizations for post-partum maternal health, for what is a doula but a CHW?
  • Departments of Housing, e.g., Healthy Homes, Housing Trust Fund
  • CitizenScience, which works largely in technology and environments but also population health (Smoke Sense is a project that aims to understand the extent to which exposure to wild land fire smoke affects health and productivity, as well as inform health risk communication strategies that protect public health during smoke days; SONYC is a smart cities initiative focused on developing a cyber-physical system (CPS) for the monitoring, analysis and mitigation of urban noise pollution; GoViral is a free and real-time online Cold & Flu surveillance system administered by researchers at New York University. Participants will get a Do-It-Yourself flu saliva collection system that they can keep and use at home if they are feeling sick.)
  • Keep looking for federal, but also state and community funding sources.


Partners can help share the load and also open up possibilities for new grants. Some examples:

  • Indian Health grant for diabetes
  • Good Health and Wellness (Indian) – careful of duplicating efforts
  • CHRs
  • EMS (guiding CHWs to getting certified in CPR and First Aid)
  • Gaming Commissions often need to spend their money on communities

Strategy Ideas

When looking for funding, think about these strategies.

Mixing Funding Streams
Funding seeds funding. Sometimes you can increase funding if you tell one funder that you’ve received funding from another. They can provide a matching grant for the same cause.

Understand the Different Funding Categories
Be familiar with the terminology around different kinds of funding and what it means. This could help you structure projects that fit in areas you might not have considered. For example, seed funding, place-based funding, capacity-building, supporting the non-profit sector, etc.

Please join us for our next CHW Training Community of Practice on Wed 8/28/2019 at 10-11 a.m. PDT.

This meeting is a session to share how you’ve gotten creative with funding in the past. To prepare,
please list the ways you’ve received funding in the past, especially including creative methods for finding

  • Welcome
  • Introductions
  • Getting creative with funding
  • Open discussion
  • Suggestions for future meetings

If you are planning to attend this meeting, suggest items for our agenda and discussions, or offer your
institution as host for a monthly meeting in the future, please contact:

Monique Cuvelier
President, Talance, Inc.
(888) 810-9109

Please join us for our next CHW Training Community of Practice meeting Thu 7/18/2019 at 1-2 p.m. PDT.

If you are planning to attend this meeting, suggest items for our agenda and discussions, or offer your institution as host for a monthly meeting in the future, please contact:

Monique Cuvelier
President, Talance, Inc.
(888) 810-9109

Please join us for our next CHW Training Community of Practice on Wed 6/12/2019 at 9:30-10:30 AM PDT (11:30 AM-12:30 PM CDT).

This meeting’s topic is about apprenticeship programs, during which Deb Kazmerzak and Bill Applegate will share their experience in Iowa and Alaska.

What thoughts, ideas, or experience do you have concerning apprenticeships? Write 1-2 thoughts or questions to share and discuss.


  • Welcome
  • Introductions
  • Apprenticeship programs, Deb Kazmerzak and Bill Applegate
  • Open discussion
  • Suggestions for future meetings

If you are planning to attend this meeting, suggest items for our agenda and discussions, or offer your institution as host for a monthly meeting in the future, please contact:

Monique Cuvelier
President, Talance, Inc.
(888) 810-9109

Supporting CHWs Mental Wellness

Please join us for our next CHW Training Community of Practice on Monday, March 25, 10:00 AM-11:00 AM PDT.

Our member Monique Cuvelier from CHWTraining/Talance will be talking about how administrators and supervisors can support mental wellness in their CHW teams. This is a summary preview to Monique’s presentations at the Unity Conference 2019.

What challenges and solutions have you found in your own organizations? Write down 1-2 thoughts to share and discuss. Read more about a free webinar on CHWs and addressing depression, anxiety and burnout.


  • Welcome
  • Introductions
  • Supporting Mental Wellness in CHW Teams, Monique Cuvelier, CHWTraining/Talance
  • Open discussion
  • Housekeeping, next meeting topics and other feedback

If you are planning to attend this meeting, suggest items for our agenda and discussions, or offer your institution as host for a monthly meeting in the future, please contact:

Monique Cuvelier
President, Talance, Inc.
(888) 810-9109

Please join us for our next CoP meeting Wednesday, February 27, from 10-11 a.m. Pacific.

The topic: conferences.

Which are you attending and why? Are you presenting? Give a preview. Would you like to meet others from our group in person? Let’s arrange it.


  • Welcome
  • Introductions
  • Topic: conferences
  • Open discussion
  • Housekeeping, next meeting topics and other feedback

If you are planning to attend this meeting, suggest items for our agenda and discussions, or offer your institution as host for a monthly meeting in the future, please contact:

Monique Cuvelier
President, Talance, Inc.
(888) 810-9109

Your opinion is important! Please let us know how we can continue to support and expand our CHW Community of Practice by completing this survey.

This CoP is yours, so help make it better. Your feedback will directly impact the way we meet in coming months and what kind of resources we can provide.

It should take less than five minutes to complete. We’ll release the results of our survey in a coming meeting.

Take the CoP CHW Effectiveness Survey

Please join us for our first CHW Training Community of Practice meeting of 2019! Tue 1/15/2019, 10:00 AM-11:00 AM PST. 

If you are planning to attend this meeting, suggest items for our agenda and discussions, or offer your institution as host for a monthly meeting in the future, please contact:

Monique Cuvelier
President, Talance, Inc.
(888) 810-9109